jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2015


Universidad de El Salvador

Facultad Multidisciplinaria de Occidente

Didactics of the English Laguage



Roxana Valle

 Stanley Barraza 

miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015


What is a E-Folio, is an electronic version of a persons work samples portfolio; Allows easy presentation of work samples to prospective employers/clients. Generated as a PDF (or other suitable format) file easily transferred via email for on screen viewing.
The purpose of this e-folio is to provide you with opportunities to demonstrate the knowledge and competencies we acquire during this semester and reflect on our learning experiences.

Teaching philosophies of team members
Nine most significant topics of del-i (3 per/each)
Create a chart about the traditional methods and approaches we went over (background of the method, teacher's and learner's roles, characteristics of the method (approach), advantages and disadvantages, and at least three techniques that you would employ of each method)
Based on the topic you presented from the book teaching English to children by scott and ytreberg, create a kwl chart and state whether you would use the information in your own teaching. Think outside the box and reason why you would utilize the information or not
Illustrate the changing world of English and background issues in language learning in a creative manner. Write a critique about its relevance in education
Professional development (include articles, ebooks, podcasts, and websites that may enhance the professional development of any elt practitioner)
You will have to create a project, individual project, to demonstrate a clear understanding of maslow's hierarchy of needs
Songs for kids (include a set of song and the activities that you might use in your own classes. Explain the procedures and levels you might use them for.)
Who is the teacher? Who are the learners? Reflect upon how knowing about these two dyad may empower any elt practitioner to become more effective while teaching
Reflections after this teaching practicum experience (What were your strengths? How can you build upon them? What are some specific areas for improvement? Take the time to identify 4 specific action steps for addressing these areas)
50-minute micro-lesson plan
What is the relevance they have in the classroom? How empowered do you feel to have effective classroom at work whenever you teach? How does this help to make lessons more effective?
Based on the ict-based presentations, pick the top three ict tools you might likely use in your own teaching and reflect upon why  they would be the most beneficial to incorporate in your own teaching
Your assessment on this activity. In addition, add a self-assessment of your contribution to present this class project

martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015


Teaching philosophies of team members.

We teaching philosophy is very simple. Above all, teachers need to know students well. There are important years that the teacher has taught the different levels or planned. The most important thing is to know the students.

Not only know the students, but also take care. Students must be important for the teacher. The other way, students are not going to make any attempt.

With this in mind, with teaching, there is a need for various activities that make sense in the lives of students. You have to have a connection with  own lives to have more sense.

Nine most significant topics

  • Characteristics of an effective teacher

  • The changing world of English

  • Background issues in a language learning

  • Interactive teaching


  • Language teaching terms

  • Activity route map

  • David´s Kolb Theory

  • The world of English

lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2015


Traditional Methods

Chart about rading of the book teaching english to childre by Scott and Ytreberg

 This information being that as we know Reading opens new doors, and it is important for the kids to have good habbits of Reading and we can créate in them this habbit we have to do it, and here we have good tecniques and good methods of Reading, and if we have it, we have to use it.

domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2015


Maslow´s hierarcgy of needs.

Who are the teachers? Who are the learners?

The teacher as class leader, coordinator of learning activities, will encourage the student to acquire feelings of achievement, personal value, estimation, a concept of himself or the opposite, feelings of worthlessness, frustration, apathy and inadequacy.

Teachers as an essential part of the educational relationship are obliged to promote an optimal environment to generate good teacher-pupil based on mutual trust and respect relationships.
students will be the individual who receives classified information from the teacher or whoever else knows about the subject matter, that is, you will be the one who learns, who receives knowledge by another, is the disciple respect the teacher.

The idea can also be applied to student disciple or follower of an expert or an artist. In this case, the process of teaching / learning can be developed with varying degrees of formality.

Kindergarden Teaching Practicum Experience

By Roxana Valle

To star I can say that for me the teaching practium were a good achievement being that en my fisrt day I really don´t know how am I going to do I was nervious, and I didn´t think well for that reasons, but nevertheless I knew that I was prepared with my lesson plan, and started to confide in myself, in each class I watched the kids, I met them and I started to putting love to my work, the next classes all was really good for me, I really felt confidence, I tried to teach well, and I tried to learn from them too, I know that I made mistakes but I tried to be better each day, that was a good experience that I wont forget.

My strengths: I think that definitely my strengths were to become a confident practitioner being that I could do better the activities I felt confident when I started my classes when I teaching the topics, also to create a friendship with the kids it turned a great environment with kids and they star to love me.
How can you build upon them?: I think that be a careful, friendly, disciplined with the children is good way to build upon them.

What are some specific areas for improvement?: I think we cand take advantage of the potential of information and communications technology so that through them, students can create and share knowledge, learn with them in every practice and be knowledgeable of the discplinas in which we guide our students toward learning constructivist. That we can do for to get better this area can be First to be responsible, second to have a good communication, third create a good knowledge, and fourth to give good education

By Stanley Barraza

My experience as a practitioner in kindergarten was a challenge for me was the first time I was going to give classes to children from 6 years. I like dealing with children, but I had never done this way. I was going every week for two months, I was preparing to give the topics by asking the teacher if he could perform different activities. children are very grateful, so always paid attention and performed the activities I left them, there is always one that bothers or ignores the signs, but otherwise was a good experience.

System kindergarten where I was to teach basic and common. students always sat in groups this is a way in which students learn to share and work together, so activities became a little easier for them. the room was decorated with items that had already learned activities that had made the students and teaching materials. this is good because students can learn not only what the teacher teaches, also with the material that was around him.

Sometimes I could see that some students leave the classroom with the teacher's permission, and sometimes without, in the classroom when the class took toys and playing and did not put the attention it should have to class.
to stop this behavior students must have a control on the outputs of the students from their classrooms, measuring a time for the activity they are going to do. ensure all toys or other things that could be distractions for the child at the time of the class, so it avoids interrupting the class to correct the student.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015


Micro-Lesson Plan

By Roxana Valle

Name of the school: University of El Salvador
Cooperating teacher’s name: Francisco Quintanilla
Student teacher’s name:Roxana Beatriz Valle Meléndez
Date and time:Sunday From 1:00 – 1:50

Target Topic: Extreme sports, advantages and disadvantages

Objective: Understand some of the physical dangers tha causes extreme sports, understand that not everything is adrenaline and mental satisfaction.

Materials: Some flashcards, ballons, pieces of paper, a laptop and proyector.


1:00–1:15 →                                         

Present the topic and read and analize some advantages about why it is gratifying to practice extreme sports.

1:15–1:20 →

Ask to the learners if they are in agree or disagree and why? Creating a discussion about the topic.

1:20–1:30 →

Show them a video about the advantages for practice extreme sports and after that read some disadvantages.

1:30–1:40 →

With accuracy explain to them why it is important to don’t practice extreme sports showing them some flashcards about extreme sports.

1:40–1:45 →

Play a game “hot potatoe” and each piece of paper has an advantage or disadvantage that they have to explain.

1:45–1:50 →

Make a review about the topic and bid them farewell.

By Stanley Barraza

Name of school:
Teacher´s Name: Moises Stanley Barraza Martinez
Grade/Level: 5 years
Date and Time: Wednesday, November 11 2015
Target Topic: Weather
Objective: Students know the different kinds of weather, their names and their characteristics.
Materials: Flash Cards, blackboard,  
Show different pictures of each weather types. Show the characteristics presented each weather.
Read to the students a short story about the weather. This will give them an idea of how it happens in each weather.

Show the vocabulary used in the story and teach the meaning.
Put students in groups, show activity that will have to do. Give them a type of weather to each group and leave the task of writing their experiences they have lived in it weather. share every experience of each group with all

Homework: Make a list of clothing that can use for each type of weather.

teaching and learning (what is the relevance they have in the classroom) 

When planning a learning unit or a complete course the teacher has to consider what he believes students should learn and how. And at the end of the process it should analyze whether the provisions was reached.

The more transparent to the student learning objectives and success criteria required to achieve them, the more they commit to work and acquire greater confidence in the process.

This helps students make their own decisions and learn to act independently.
    It is a motivating learning, is part of the experiences of the students / os and facilitates their interests and skills of intrinsic motivation.

This learning process facilitates comparison of strategies and concepts which allows focusing the right solution from different perspectives
He strengthens the self-confidence for the student to adequately perform as a student.

It favors the memorization of content because it facilitates logical understanding of the problem or task.

jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015


ICT Tools

Can be achieved throuhg ICT as it acts as a useful too to enhance 
knowledge and learning of students.

The internet provides an opportunity to

  • Think and share their ideas collaboratively

  • Seek the guidance of experts beyond the bounddaries of classroom.

Types of ICT

Interactive whiteboard



Presentation tools

Our assessment on this activity

By Roxana Valle

This semester has been a great semester for me, i really enjoyed to have taken this subject i liked the the activities of the clases, the teacher´s ways of teaching us to teach, I liked the atmosphere that the teacher created for us, his motivation and his ways for teaching us to be good teahers, this semester maybe I didn´t be the best student, I was missing some classes, but in the classes that I was I liked and I enjoyed, I just want to say thank you teacher

By Stanley Barraza

This semester was a challenge for me, this course gave me the foundation to teach in the not too distant future. It has been a laborious, but fun. I quite like the methodology that the lessons taught us. Semester must admit that this had not the best grades and i was not very prepared . But in the end I made the effort to meet my priorities, which is my studies.